
Usb security key bank of america
Usb security key bank of america

usb security key bank of america

Having a bank ask you to buy your own security key is actually a very good thing, so much better than having them send you some proprietary gadget that you can only use with their service and that you will probably lose at some point. You can seamlessly switch between keys without having to contact your bank and prove your identity. Obviously, that is more expensive, but worth it if you use them for something as important as your main bank. Some services allow you to associate two different keys with your account, which would allow you to keep your main key on your keyring and the backup key somewhere safer. So, for example, I use my USB + NFC key to login to certain sites on my laptop, and then the same sites on my iPhone by holding my key up to the back of the phone, triggering the NFC handshake. For example, a key that also includes NFC can be used with your smartphone. Some models add genuinely useful features. The more expensive brands, such as Yubikey, may be more reliable. If buying on the cheap end, maybe double-check the reviews to make sure they are robust. They are solid-state, so, should last for decades. You can use the same key for many other sites and purposes. Now you’re set! You can come back to your Google account’s 2FA page to rename or remove your key."USB security keys can be purchased at many online and trusted tech retailers and typically cost between 18-50 dollars" ! It goes on to say "Just search for USB security key and make sure the key you choose is FIDO certified.Press the button on the key, then click “Allow” once you see the Chrome pop-up asking to read the make and model of your key. The next box lets you register your security key.Assuming you don’t fall into that category, click “Next.”

usb security key bank of america

You’ll also see an option to use only the security key as part of Google’s Advanced Protection Program (which is for users with “ high visibility and sensitive information”).

  • You’ll see a box telling you to make sure the key is nearby but not plugged in.
  • Select “USB or Bluetooth / External security key.”
  • A pop-up box will list your options, which include devices that have built-in security keys and the option to use an external security key.
  • Look for the “Security Key” option and click on “Add Security Key.”
  • Scroll down until you see the “Add more second steps to verify it’s you” heading.

  • Usb security key bank of america